
“Nothing will come of nothing”

                                       -King Lear

It was a nothing day of not doing much, and waiting for everything.

Calen and I got together and studied at the library, once again blowing all my theories out of the water. Some people study on Saturdays, who knew?

Other people disappear on Saturdays.

Later we met up with a rather moody and concerned Josh. He said that he hadn’t been able to find Philemon/Tom last night or this morning. This was particularly odd since Philemon himself had claimed to be under house arrest.

“He wasn’t really supposed to leave the office for too long at a time,” Josh said ponderously, “I never entirely understood why.”

“So the Quest Bureau gave him a new name, and locked him in an office, he wouldn’t happen to be a serial killer or anything” Calen asked with a small smirk.

Josh just looked grim. I protested that all this was ridiculous, and he was probably just on a little quest field trip or something. But none of us were entirely convinced. We argued about trying to get a hold of the Quest Bureau to ask them about his location.

“That won’t work for several reasons, ” Josh grumbled (he was not the wellspring of optomism I’d gotten to know over the past few days). “First,  they always contact us, no one has theie phone number. We can’t just call up the Bureau!”

“And when we try to find them, they disappear” Calen said with a dark grin.

“Thats true,” I nodded earnestly. Josh looked confused for a moment, then shook his head and continued.

“Secondly, if Tom isn’t supposed to be gone, then we’ll get him in trouble by reporting him missing. That’s not even taking into account the fact that I’m not supposed to be here, and who knows what trouble Elaine is in?”

“Are you sure he’s not just hiding,” Calen said whistfully.

“Who, Tom? From me?” Josh let out a deeply agitated sigh, “Maybe, but I certainly hope not.”

“Why? Isn’t that better that being kidnapped or whatever?” Calen seemed to be enjoying this a bit too much. Josh looked at her like ‘that’s not funny’, but she continued to grin darkly.

“The point is, ” I said, trying to get the situation under control, “He wouldn’t be hiding from us, he want’s to talk to me, I mean, I think he does.”

“Well then you go see him,” Calen pronounced, “you’re our magicsiren! Charm him out of his office”

I am so not anyone’s magic Siren, least of all Philemon’s.

 I knew this from the beginning, but it took all of us going over to his dark office for them to figure it out as well. Somehow we’d been useless most of the afternoon and it was starting to get dark. I volunteered that if he wasn’t back by tomorrow that I’d restore my journal back to the original level of security and send out some sort of SOS. It seems like the best we can do for now.

I know nothing will come of nothing, but I just can’t think of anything else.

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